Summoners War - Game - Currency - Energy

The Currency Energy is one of the Currency available in to game for any Players! Energy is the main action Currency in Summoners War. All Players will start at Energy Max. Storage of 30! They are generated overtime each 5:00 Minutes! Energy are needed to perform almost any Battle in every Scenarios Map, Cairos Dungeon, Trial of Ascension, Guild Battle, Rift World, World Boss and Dimensional Rift a specified amount will be asked to enter the Battle. Energy are not used for Arena and World Arena! Energy is obtained as Reward in Scenarios, Dungeons, Arena, Missions, Temple of Wishes and Com2uS Event! It exist 2 Building that are linked with Energy: Sanctum of Energy (Energy Max. Storage, up to +10) and Mysterious Plant (Energy Production Speed, up to +30%). Energy are also linked with the Player Level, each Level will raise the Energy Max. Storage by 1, up to 90! Energy can be Refill to Max by purchasing the package in the Cash Shop with 30 Crystals!
Well Energy is a very important Currency in Summoners War! It's used to Battle for playing the game with our Monsters!
Energy Obtain
Energy is obtained as a Reward in Scenarios, Dungeons, Arena, Missions, Temple of Wishes. They are generated each 5 Minutes. The time can be reduced by the Building: Mysterious Plant. Max Gain Time 1 Energy each 3:51 Minutes.
Energy Used
Energy are used to Battle in every place: Scenarios, Dungeons, Trial of Ascension, Guild Battle, Rift. Except Arena PvP/World Arena PvP.