Event - Thanksgiving Special Point Shop Open! - 2017-11-19

Thanksgiving Special Point Shop Open! Finish

2017-11-19T18:00 to 2017-12-03T06:59

Greetings from Com2uS!
A special point shop has opened to celebrate Thanksgiving!
Gather points to exchange them for various items at the Thanksgiving Special Point Shop!

> Event: Nov. 19th 6pm - Dec. 3rd 6:59am PST
(Rewards available until Dec. 4th 6:59am PST)

> How to acquire points

- Use 1 Energy = 1pts

- Use 1 Arena Invitation = 2pts
(World Arena excluded)

Summon a 3 Stars+ Monster = 10pts
(Summonings performed using Monster Summoning Pieces excluded.)

* You can acquire up to 500pts a day.

> Special Daily Item
Check out special daily items that change every day!
The daily items reset every day at 7am PST.

> List of Items

Day 1: 1 Mystical Scroll (-100pts)
Day 2: 50 Crystals (-100pts)
Day 3: 3 Stars Rainbowmon (MAX Lv.) x1 (-100pts)
Day 4: 1 Mystical Scroll (-100pts)
Day 5: 100 Energy (-120pts)
Day 6: 5 Light & Dark Summoning Pieces (-150pts)
Day 7: 70 Crystals (-150pts)
Day 8: 50 Summoning Stones (-150pts)
Day 9 : 10 Legendary Summoning Pieces (-200pts)
Day 10: 100 Crystals (-200pts)
Day 11: 1 Fire Scroll (-250pts)
Day 12: 1 Water Scroll (-250pts)
Day 13: 1 Wind Scroll (-250pts)
Day 14: 1 Reappraisal Stone (-300pts)

> Point Shop
* Points will be deducted instantly when you make an exchange, and the exchanged item will be sent to the Inbox automatically.
* The amount of required points and MAX no. of exchanges available varies by item.

-60pts per exchange, Exchangeable up to 4 times

-60pts per exchange, Exchangeable up to 4 times

<3 Stars Rainbowmon (MAX Lv.) x1>
-100pts per exchange, Exchangeable up to 2 times

-100pts per exchange, Exchangeable up to 2 times

-150pts per exchange, Exchangeable up to 1 time

-100pts per exchange, Exchangeable up to 2 times

-200pts per exchange, Exchangeable up to 1 time

-100pts per exchange, Exchangeable up to 1 time

<4 Stars Rainbowmon (MAX Lv.) x1>
-150pts per exchange, Exchangeable up to 1 time

-500pts per exchange, Exchangeable up to 1 time

Please Read!
- Points will be deducted instantly when you make an exchange, and the exchanged item will be sent to the Inbox automatically.
- You can exchange points for the Special Daily Item only once a day.
(Resets every day at 7am PST)
- The reward will be available for 24 hours after the event ends.
- Please restart the game if you're playing when the event begins to avoid any delays.
- Please try restarting the game if you don't see your reward at the Inbox.
- The duration and remaining time for the event will be displayed in the time zone of the area that you reside in.
- For questions or customer support, please contact our Customer Support by visiting http://www.withhive.com/help/inquire.