Update - v3.7.5 Update Notice - 2018-01-16
v3.7.5 Update Notice Active
Greetings from Com2uS!
Summoners War has been updated to v3.7.5.
Please read below for more info.
The actual update will be applied through an auto update during the maintenance. (Android/iOS)
Details can be checked through the maintenance notice.
v3.7.5 Update Details
> Some Monster's Transmogrifications have been added as follows.
- [Radiance Successor Fairy King/Oracle Prophet Undine/Spring Goddess Sylphid/Forest Witch Mystic Witch/Mechanic Hellhound]
> A real-time strategy battle among all Summoners! [World Arena] Season 4 will begin.
- The World Arena (Season 4) will start on Jan. 15th 11:30pm PST on all servers.
- New items have been added to Season 4 rewards and the World Arena Shop as follows.
* You can't transmogrify [Dark King Panda Warrior] with Shapeshifting Stones.
- Ellia's Ride, [Legendary Crimson Dragon], has been added to the World Arena Shop.
> [Siege Battle] Improvements
- An [Attack Mark] feature where you can mark the attack targets to let your Guild members know where to attack mainly has been added. (For Guild Master & Vice Guild Masters) : You can tap and hold the base to attack, and use [Attack Mark] or [Remove Mark] features. (* You can have attack marks on up to 3 bases.)
The Victory Point System where points were given to Guilds according to the Siege Battle results has been modified. (* The modification will be applied starting Jan. 16th) : Amount of Victory Points given to No. 1 Guild will be increased and amount of points given to No. 2 Guild will be reduced so that Guilds will be matched more properly depending on the battle result.
Ex) If Guilds that have similar amount of points have been matched
The amount of Victory Points available may differ depending on the difference in Victory Points between Guilds.
The modification will be applied starting Jan. 16th.
> Users below account level 10 will no longer be able to write reviews on [Monster Debate]. (You'll still be able to recommend and read Monster reviews.)
> A pop-up that directs you to the Shop when you don't have enough summoning materials to use Mystical Scrolls, perform Mystical Summon (using Crystals) or Exclusive Summon (using Summoning Stones) at [Summonhenge] has been added.
> You'll now be able to place MAX Lv. Monsters at Tranquil Forest, Gusty Cliffs, and Crystal Lake (EXP Buildings).
> Bug Fixes
- An issue of counterattack power-up effects not being activated under certain circumstances has been resolved.
- Transmogrified [Devil King] Ifrit's [Triple Crush] effect will now displayed at a more accurate timing.
- Transmogrified Golem's Transmogrification Item effect will now be displayed at a more accurate position.