Update - v3.8.5 Update Notice - 2018-04-27

v3.8.5 Update Notice Active


Hi, it's Com2uS!

Summoners War v3.8.5 has been updated.
Please check below for details!

* The actual update will be applied through an auto update during the maintenance. (Android/iOS)
* Details can be checked through the maintenance notice.

v3.8.5 Update Details
> Skill Balancing
- Some skills have been balanced.

> [Siege Battle] Reward System Modification
(* This modification will be applied to Siege Battles that begin on Apr. 30th.)
- The reward system regarding Crystals and Guild Points will be modified.

- The MAX amount of Crystals and Guild Points that Guild Members can acquire from Siege Battles will be limited.
: A Guild Member can acquire a reward given according to 30% contribution from a Siege Battle.
Crystals/Guild Points that exceed the upper limit will be evenly distributed to all Guild Members who participated in the corresponding Siege Battle.

Ex) If a user ended a Siege Battle achieving 50% of contribution with the Conqueror ★★★, 10,000 Siege Points, and Rank No. 2 conditions, the user would have received 350 Crystals as a reward.
However, with the upper limit on the acquisition, the user will now acquire 210 Crystals and the remaining 140 Crystals will be evenly distributed to other Guild Members who participated in the Siege Battle.
(The user with 50% contribution also receives the evenly distributed Crystals.)
The Guild Point acquisition and distribution will work with the same logic.

> Summoner Info-related Content Improvement
- (Chat) A Summoner Info screen that appears when you tap the Summoner's ID in the chat has been improved.
The info screen will now display various info and records of the Summoner. Summoners can manage their profiles at the [Profile] Menu in the Summoner's Tower.

* [Record] Menu - The highest floor cleared in the Trial of Ascension will reflect gameplay data after Apr. 14th.

- Some gameplay info of dungeons and scenario areas will be reset in order to reflect the record in the [Record] Menu. The targets are as follows:
: Best time record in the Cairos Dungeon (Giant's Keep/ Dragon's Lair/ Necropolis; B1 - B10)
: Best time record in the Rift Raid (Level 1 - Level 5)
: Best rank and damage below A- in the Rift Dungeons (all attributes)

* The reset record will be newly applied with the gameplay after the update, and the records will be applied in the [Profile > Record] Menu when you renew your best records.

> [Guild Battle] An [Auto Battle Start] feature that starts a Guild Battle automatically every 12 hours has been added.
- Guild Masters (or Vice Guild Masters) can use this function by going to the [Guild Battle > Member] except in the registration period.
- A Guild Battle will start every 12 hours, and 1 to 2 minutes of waiting time will occur just before the Auto Battle Start is activated.
- Attack members of the previous Guild Battle will be set as members to enter the auto battle.

> [Arena] Player matching system has been improved. Users will now be able to be matched with more suitable users.
* The improvement will be applied to the Arena that begins on the first week of May.

> Daily check-in rewards have been improved as follows.
(* Upgraded check-in rewards will be available in the game starting May 1st.)

- Daily rewards excluding Day 12 (Summoning Stone x50) and Day 24 (Light & Darkness Scroll x1) have been renewed.
- Energy x30 reward that's given every day after Day 25 as a check-in reward has been changed to Legendary Scroll Piece x2.

> Bug Fixes
- [Default grade display in the Rune Reappraisal] Fixed the issue of the default grade of Runes with below power-up +12 being displayed incorrectly.
- [World Arena] Modified the Monsters' location arrangement when the screen changes to the camera zoom-in display screen.
- [Arena/ World Arena/ Siege Battle/ Guild Battle] Fixed the issue of the Attack Bar image displaying abnormally during the battle. (This was only a display error and the Attack Bar had correct stats.)
- [Summonhenge / Temple of Wishes] Fixed the issue of the Monster drop rate not being displayed.

> Skill Error Fixes
- (Fire) Horus [Strategic Prevention]: Fixed the issue of the harmful effect (Make an enemy's Attack Bar to 0) activation rate not functioning correctly according to the skill level.

> The description of some monster skills have been changed.