Update - v4.2.5 Update Notice - 2019-03-30
v4.2.5 Update Notice Active
Hi, it's Com2uS!
Summoners War v4.2.5 has been updated. Please check below for details!
* The actual update will be applied through an auto update during the maintenance. (Android/iOS)
* Details can be checked through the maintenance notice.
v4.2.5 Update Details
> Some skills have been balanced.
> [World Arena] Season 9 Opening
- The 9th season of World Arena will be open on Apr. 15th 12am PDT in all servers.
- Season 9 rewards are as below.
> [Special League Shop] New Items
- You can purchase items with Glory Tokens acquired from Special League.
> [Siege Battle] Improvement
- The period where you can add and/or modify defense decks has been improved.
Previously: You can only edit defense decks during registration and preparation periods.
Changed to: You can edit defense decks after a siege battle ends until the next siege battle begins. (Registration/preparation periods included)
- You can now view the battle results of the previous siege battles (held after Mar. 20th) by going to the [Info]-[Battle Record].
> [Shop > Package] Daily Pack I and II have been renewed.
* The package renewal will be applied to the Daily Packs the users purchase after the v4.2.5 update patch. If you purchased the packs before the update, the rewards from the packs will be given as the previous version. (EXP/Mana increased effect included)
> (All) Giant Warrior [Iron Throw]/ (Wind/ Dark) Giant Warrior [Atlas Stone] - The skill effects have been improved to be displayed more naturally.
> Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue of the this month's check-in reward displaying incorrectly on Ellia's schedule list during the new/returning exclusive reward distribution period
- Fixed some graphic errors that occurred with transmogrified [Steel Knight] Imp Champion
- Fixed an issue of the stun effect not being granted when [Rageful Roar] activates right after the [Total Annihilation] is used when Chaos Beast Khi'zar Kha'jul has its rage stacked to 15 or more
> A gift for Summoners who updated the game to v4.2.5!
- Gift: 1 Mystical Scroll
- Please make sure to collect the item during Mar. 30th 2am - Mar. 31st 2am PDT.