Update - v5.0.2 Update Notice - 2019-06-27

v5.0.2 Update Notice Active


Hi, it's Com2uS!

Summoners War v5.0.2 has been updated. Please check below for details!

* The actual update will be applied through an auto update during the maintenance. (Android/iOS)
* Details can be checked through the maintenance notice.

v5.0.2 Update Details

> [Dimension Hole] Improvements

- [Strategy Info] - [Monster Info] has been added.
: You can now check the ranking of monsters that were used most to clear each dimension dungeon.
- The Dimension Hole content has been added in the [Usage] menu. (Monster > Icon on the right side of Info screen)
* Gameplay records made after the v5.0.2 update patch will be applied to the Monster Info and Usage tab.
- A display effect that shows in the Dimension Hole area when you have certain amount or more of Dimension Hole Energy has been added.

> [World Arena] - [SWC 2019 Battle] mode has been added in the Goodwill Battle.
- SWC 2019 Battle consists of best of three and best of five battles.
- In SWC 2019 Battle, players can't ban the pre-banned Monsters of the previous round in the next round.

> Rune Improvements
- The quantity of Gems/Grindstones you possess that have the same property & value will now be displayed in the [Gem/Grindstone] detailed info pop-up.
Ex) [Guild Magic Shop] Gem/Grindstone items, [Battle Reward] Gem/Grindstone drops, [Inbox] Gem/Grindstone pop-ups that shows when you collect the items, etc.
- An issue where it was hard to check the information due to the Rune/Grindstone info pop-up overlapping has been resolved.

> Rune Package Renewals
- [Shop > Package] Rune Pack I,II,III / [Weekly Special Item] Rune Package

: With the Blessed Rune Box, two 6★ Legend Runes will be shown, and you can pick one to acquire.

* The purchase limit of Rune Pack I,II,III (3 times per month) will be reset after the v5.0.2 update. Summoners who've already purchased the packages up to their limit can make a purchase again.

> Convenience Improvements
- [Craft Building] When crafting 3★ Rainbowmons, a info pop-up that informs you that you have included secondary awakened monsters as a material will now be displayed.
- [Cairos Dungeon/ Rift of Worlds] You can now check your clear decks in the ranking menu.
- [Ancient Magic Shop > Ancient Crystal Shop] A UI display that notifies you the refresh chance resets of Legend 6★ Rune and Grindstone/Gem more clearly has been added.

> Bug Fixes
- The effect location of the transmogrification item [Bright Seal] has been improved.
- (Transmogrified Light Panda Warrior) An issue of the [Dragon's Dance] skill effect not showing as the transmogrified effect has been fixed.

> The description of some monster skills have been fixed and polished.